Our way of gathering information is fast changing- Google VS Facebook

Just sit back and think for a while, how much time have you spent searching for something on Google to the time that you have spent reading articles, updates, information that are shared by your friends of pages you liked on facebook. A recent question being passed on about the top three websites that you visit each day, Facebook leads youtube and google comes third. 

This brings us to the believe that there is a drastic shift in the way information would travel and be consumed. What does this trend mean to the a marketeer? A marketeer can no longer wait for the consumer to come to him feed him with the message. From the whole set of people present online, there are a few enthusiasts that do the search and share, then there are a few who share the information searched by others and a large chuck of the online population just consume the information. Hence it has become imperative for a marketeer to create content that urges or inspires a consumer to share.

For the consumer that stays online the triggers to google search comes from social networking platforms like facebook, twitter etc. Hence it is imperative today for a brand to make a presence on the digital platform and create content that are worth sharing.

Organizations have over the years relied on the hitherto communication mediums and have spent huge amount of money on them but it is now time to look at the digital platform with more seriousness. 

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